Forest Online Services is committed to protecting your privacy

The information ("INFORMATION") supplied by you ("USER") in using Forest Online Services whether taken or supplied, with or without USER knowledge is subject to the following conditions and guarantee.

What Information Do We Collect?

When you submit details from our comments/feedback/complaints/enquiries form we collect your name, email address, and contact information. When you contact us by email we may collect your email address.

How Do We Use Your Information?

We may reply to you using any of the contact information given. Where requested we may provide an e-mail newsletter. We may also use your information to contact you by phone, fax, post, or email regarding your enquiry/feedback/comments/complaints. We may use your information in compiling demographics for our own use. On no account will Forest Online Services forward, redirect, sell, rent, lend or otherwise supply personal USER information to any third party organization not directly affiliated to Forest Online Services, with the EXCEPTION of the Police or Judicial authorities if so requested as part of a criminal investigation.

Your Consent

By using Forest Online Services , you consent to the collection and use of this information by Forest Online Services. If we decide to change our privacy policy we will post those changes on this page so that you are always aware of what information we collect and how we use it.